Monday, November 5, 2012

Book Reviews: Blackout Girl – Growing Up and Drying Out in America and Picking Up the Pieces Without Picking Up

In September of this year I attended the Office of Victims of Crime conference in New Orleans, LA.  Jennifer Storm, Executive Director of the Victim/Witness Assistance Program in Harrisburg, PA was a keynote speaker on the last day.  Ms. Storm told her story of being raped at the age of twelve and her struggles to deal with the family dysfunction, alcoholism and drug addiction that followed.  Her story was inspiring and hopeful, a narrative of resilience and determination that not only tells of recovery against all odds, but gives hope for those young women who are still struggling with the effects of trauma and its aftermath.

In her book, Blackout Girl – Growing Up and Drying Out in America, Jennifer Storm goes into great detail about her experiences.  She describes the rape, the reaction of her parents and brothers, and her subsequent fall into substance abuse.  She spent many years struggling with addiction and continued to be re-victimized in many ways including being raped again and again and experiencing intimate partner violence.  Where her book excels is in her telling of her struggles in her relationships with her mother and brothers, and how she grows into an understanding of her sexuality.  Her story is inspiring and hopeful.

I have one caveat, however.  When I heard Ms. Storm’s story and saw her book, I had hoped that this would be one I could fully recommend.  I can only recommend it with caution.  Ms. Storm tells her story of rape and substance abuse in great detail.  If you are a person with a trauma and/or history of substance use the details in this book could be triggering. I would recommend that it be read only if you are engaged in some form of ongoing support or therapy and are engaging in self-care.  Advocates and survivors often tell me that they are looking for books to read about other women who have struggled with trauma and addiction. 

Jennifer Storm has also written a guidebook for persons in recovery who are working through victimization and the court process.  It is called Picking Up the Pieces Without Picking Up.  This book is about rebuilding one’s life after the impact of trauma.  It provides exercises for dealing with trauma and addiction, using some Twelve Step (of AA) language with a strong understanding of the impact of trauma.  It also includes a chapter on navigating the criminal justice system.  This guidebook would be a great adjunct to ongoing support through a local domestic violence or sexual assault program and/or in partnership with a recovery sponsor who is knowledgeable about trauma and recovery.

You can find out more about Jennifer Storm at